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Robot LOVE

im anti-social.



muhahhaz. wad wil i do if i have one million dollars? hmm. i wil build my own resort. hahaz. a comfy big spacious yet cheap resort. my resort target teenagers. =) maybe i wil open with bing. hahaz. den de resort wil have a superb service, such as a birthday cake if its ur bdae. hahaz. good huh? hahahaz. de resort wil very cooling. mozzie free. de cmpd wil b cLEaN!!!super clean. public toilets wil b magnificant, gorgeous ang big. de pool wil b B-E-A-utiful. haa. transportation to de resort wil b easy, fast, dun have to walk SO far=reach at doorstep.=) nearby wil have movie theatre, gym, bowling alley, shops, NTUC, fast-food restaurant, etc etc. hahaz. there wil b such resort................till i have a million. hee.

lalalala. im so sleepy n hungry. i think i only spend 1/4 of de day on studying. de rest of 3/4? eating n sleeping lo. hahahaz. yesterday i watched news. clack quay got retail shop. hahaz. den i figure out that i super long time never shop le. come to think of it. is really really veri long time. hahahz. I WANT TO GO VIVO CITY!!!

for the past few days, de theories of 1] women are fickle minded 2] pple with no scv really have no life, are proven to b true. hahhaaz. there are some i haven solve yet. lik.."y must we study so hard n get those degreeSsSsSsSs?".

if there's no earthquake n their S.O.L[standard of living] is not that high, i might wanna migarate to there. y? reason 1:de FOOD is YUMMY!!haha reason 2: the country is so high tech. reason 3: i LOVE japan. hahahaz.

toy r us got one big big cookie monster toy lehx. hahaz. actually wanna take picture with it de. den got one auntie worker say cannot. so fierce. take picture only wad. wil die mehx? is not as if we took pic with that toy den de toy will melt due to de heat produce by de flash. hahahz. stupid lo. or we take pic with it de toy will lose one limb. hahahaz.

bedok library is so cool nice. den theres mine science centre there too. hahahahaz. im goin there on 17 nov. weex. hahahaz. i wonder how is black bear? hmm...

tues chem prac le. soo fast. hahaz.tmro chiense paper. all de best pple.

IM HUNGRY!!!gonna find food. hahaz. booboogagaga.

hahahahahhaaz...today so fun..hee.. today morning went sch for chem. ha. but den we are late. we dun dare to go into de class, so we went to de library. we went library do wad lehx? play hp games. hahhaz. so we ask HX jodie n SH come pei us. but in the end HX came. heehee. i noe lots of new secret. hahahaz. went tm, walk round round. wanna go pizza hut eat. but de student lunch start at 1330. so walk round round round. met XY they all. hahahaz. went to CS n played hide-and-seek to kill time. heheheh. in the end we lost. they found us. so we went tm. hahahaz. we played amazing race, the first to reach pizza hut win. so of cos is we win la, cos is we who set de challenge de. u think they are so lame mehx? hahahaz. we=mi bing n HX, we form an allie. hahahahaz. den XY they all went home. we spent half an hour standing outside din tai fong to watch de chef make dumplings. hahahaz. so funny. finally after standin for half an hour, we went to eat pizza. hahahaz. bing n HX order baked rice, mi order de beef tingy. theirs came first but mine haven. den later de waitress, kelly, came n tel mi that my beef is burnt, so hav to wait for 7 minutes. hahahz. den she gave mi 4 drumlets, to eat while waiting. i shld tel her that i 1 minute eat 1 drumlet, so must give mi 7. hahahahahahaz. so funny. cant wait for sat. wahahahahaha.

Spongebob & Patrick


im wonder cow.
Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Wonder Cow
Your Superpower is Solar
Your Weakness is Men
Your Weapon is Your Grenade Lance
Your Mode of Transportation is Moped

BOOBOOGAGAGA. hahaha. bingbing!!!theres an enzyme version of mi lehx. de name is...lactobacillus BULGARis. hahhaaz. lik burglar right? hahahahahaz. even is lame or wrong must say right okie? hahahahahaz. happy hari raya nicole. hahahaz.

Umbilical brothers

hahahaz. they are so creative. hahahaz.

Umbilical brothers on holidays

so lame can, hahahaz,

umbilical brothers

hahaz. shane n david!! got it frm aaron's blog. hee.

Take It All - Hillsong United(UNITED WE STAND 2006)

PlanetShakers- Big

booboogagaga. hahaz. i love this word. hahaz. yesterday i dreamt about si xian dog BIBI. hahaz. de dog climb on mi den un-button one of my button. den later, button it back again. ahahz. while BIBI is on mi, heard si xian was saying, BIBI angry le,wan to bite u. hahaz. den make mi scared. hahahaz. so funny. BIBI so cute. heh. today is a bad day. hmm, shld say sad day ba. hahahaz. tmro i wil recover le. cos tmro i seeing mamamoo. weex. hahaaz. i dunno y lo. sunday supposed to b a happy day for everyone as it indicates no sch no work. is a rest day. but i dunno y la. i just dun lik sundays. to mi, is a sad sad day, boring day, no life, no fun, no luffing till cry, feeling so out. for some student sunday is the day for HW cos mon got sch. ha. but i dun mind waking up earlier, buried with HW, having some boring lectures, sch is so much fun. cos of my friends. hee. sch brings back lots of memory lo. like how mi n bing check de area is clear, = no mariamah, so is it safe to use staff rm toilet? how we bluff mr teo,ah pat, that he appear on mr bean show on wed 10pm, when its showing incredible tales. hahahaz. den de next day ah pat came to us n apologise that he could not watch. so funny. how we sprayed water out of window. D.I.Y a paracute, threw out of window, den we kept quiet for lik 4 secs to hear de paracute went BLONK. hahaha. den we gang up saying that if teachers come up to ask who is resposible for it, we pretend not to know n say upstair pple throw de. hahahaz. so lame lo. cos we are on de highest floor le. hahahaz. we write cards to jing kai n friends. everytime we climb THAT staircase we will see if "my" golden retriever is there sleeping. hahaz. whenever got dog bark bing will say "serene, ur dog". hahahaz. we suffered frm post VVL. hahaz. we fight for de fans. sabo hao yang. hahahaz. we whine when that day have band prac. on those days when there isnt any practise we miss band. so funny. we oso bump pple. hahaz. under de table is so happening. =X sch is the place where i have FIVE 'boyfriend'. hahahaz. we did lots of stupid stuff. hahaz. i dun mind lo. as i am having fun. hahaaz. when theres exam, bingbing tuck in her shirt, so funny. hahahaz. i admit oso la. chinese oral i oso did something lik that. heehee. i got so many memories of PRSS. hahahahaz. so lame. in short,I MISS SCH!!! i MISS my FRIENDS!! i miss BAND??okie la.. hahahahaz.

booboogagaga. hahaz. so boring. now got study break. so sian lo. i rather go sch do intense. at least the teachers are forcing mi to do work n i can learn something. now everyday at home dun feel like studying lo. everyday i wil only spend one hour on studying. hahahaz. cool huh?

yesterday went for eng tuition. hahaz. got 2 boys join the class. nonono..should say that WE join their class. hahaz. saw our long lost tuition friend xin hui. hahahaz. de two boys got crumpler bag lo. so rich. den one of them fall asleep. hahaz. kana caught. n his slping position is not that obvious oso can get caught. hahahaz. SL more pro den him. hahaz. during maths tuition SL was sleeping so obvious oso not caught. hahahaz. so lousy. den grace asked what are the feature of a brochure? de fell asleep guy said, "can be fold". the class n grace heard UFO?!?! hahahaz. so funny. gals they are in our class to entertain us. hahahaz. sat seeing them again. yeah!!!ahahaz. i wonder how old are they? y they nv join our maths tuition lehx? mamamoo!!WHY???

just now read someone blog. hahahaz. so difficult to figure out wad the person type la. maybe too artistic le ba. hahahaz. den read someone friendster. so sad lo. pity them. hahahahaz. SEE!!im so bored!!!hahahaz.

hahaz. today suppose to go sch library n do eng tuition hw. but in the end went to slack at bing hse. hahahaz. at her hse do abit only. actually suppose to do a letter writing, a FULL letter writing. but we lazy, so we pretended that we are suppose to do de opening nia. hahahaz. we so bad. den went tm to buy food. hahahaz. someone tries to trick mi. this is what hapen..
*we are queuing at KFC*
me: help mi order hor. i want ice milo.
someone: huh. need to pay extra $$ lehx.
mi: eh..den i wan moutian dew.
someone: u wan ice moutain?
mi: where?where got?
someone: u slow lehx.my cousin smarter den u.HAHAHAHA.
*someone explain y cousin smarter..den is our turn*
someone: erm..i wan one set of that one..[point at de set]
thw woman: wad?
mi: cheezito set.
*de woman pack*
someone: and one ice moutain pls.,
de woman: orh..moutain dew
mi :*luffing luffing*
hahaahaahahhaz....someone just blurt out ice moutain instead of moutain dew..hahahz..luff at mi la..ahahahz..THE ICE MOUTAIN DRINK VERI NICE!!!!hahahahahahahahahahaz.........................

den on the way back saw ming han. hahahahaz. so funny. hahahaz. just now receive a cal frm mamamoo. trying to trick mi. hahaz. she use her hse phone to cal mi den nv talk. just giggle. hahahaz. im not stupid okie. hahaz. actually if u dun gigle i wont noe is u la. hahahahahahaz.


hahahaaz..i dun understand how guys can play soccer lo. there are so many rules to it. if i were to play soccer, i guess my reaction wil b damn slow la. cos i wil b standing there n think whether is it safe to chase de ball??is it safe to run??blah blah blah. hahahaz. but hor, if theres no ref den i wil hack care n play. hahahaz. or mayb i should b de ref. hahahaz. i miss playing soccer with de sec ones. hahaha.

yay yay yay. bio prac is over. hahaz. theres one qns on benedicts test. den my result was negative. intially i wrote down my result as positive, but later i think think think, i change my answer to negative. ha. cos hor, i think God send angels to give mi de idea that cambridge might sabo us. haz. so like that lo. when de examiner was collecting de paper, i look at hanif n hida result. NEGATIVE!!heng. but later bing come n tell mi that andy got positive result n half de class got positive result. hahaz. den in the end no one noes is positive or negative. the advantages of sitting at the back of lab is that u could see pples result n compare with urs. hahaz. but de disadvantage is that u wil b in dilema, dunno whether to state ur results or follow de crowd. hahaz. but im sitted infront la. no distraction. hee.

after de prac went to do sch survey. hahahaz. they ask have u ever litter? u got vandalise before? is ur teacher fair? blah bla blah.. den when doin de third survey.....theres this qns..it goes something like this..'do u think that students are sexually active??'hahahaz.. i guess this qns shocked nearly eveyone. hahaz. edwin imitate thiam seng's voice. hahaz. so funny lo. "WATER LEHX??" hahahaaz...

HXY n KWT!!we got new victim liao.. is nalfa..shld b lik that spell la. hahaz.. nalfa is so ke lian lo. if not for SX we wouldnt noe him liao. hahahahaaz. den we oso wont always call his name n pretend is not us. hahahaz.

yay yay yay. fri im goin to collect my new retainers. hee. it cost $250 okie? ha.. so expensive lo. but bo bian la. my teeth got gap le. hahahaz. not my fault lo. cos my teeth move veri easily. hahahaz. oh ya. i read a brochure on wisdom tooth. de procedure is SOOO scary!!!!!!n hor my doc say i need to pluck.. arrrrrrrr.... i duno wan.. need sticthes lo. eeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr. i hate needles. i hate injection. i hate to pluck my teeth. that time i pluck FOUR good n healthy teeth for de braces thingy le lehx.. den every night i got nightmare. den i cant eat well. eeeeeeee. why God gave us wisdom tooth lehx? to let de dentist earn more $$$? hahahaz. y God create fly, ants, mosquito? to let de frog eat?hahahahaz..hmmmm.....

hahahaz..i noe de answer for de GRY riddle le..heehee..spencer so smart..hahaz..no la..is actually im dumb..hahaz..

hahahaz.. i noe de answer for de GRY stuff liao.. yay yay yay... spencer is so smart..hahahahahaz..no la..actually is im dumb la.. hahaz..

tmro bio prac liao. so fast. hmm, wonder wad are the qns for tmro. wil i noe how to do? wil i pass my prac? i have no confidence lo, as in, i really have no idea wad will de qns be. unlike chem prac, i noe wil have QA n VA n wad wil they ask. i think i noe y i feel so diff for chem n bio. cos for chem, we visit de lab lik once in every wk. but for bio, we visit de lab lik less den 10 times in TWO years ba. in short, i lack of exposure for bio. ha. to console myself, at least i noe it wil come out qns on plant=)i just pray that tmro i wil give all my best n de marker wil b lenient. but hor, bio no half marks de lehx. so irritating. y no half marks? they dunno how to calculate if there's half mark izzit? ha. or purposely dun wan to let us pass? so mean. they are so so mean.

now study break start le. everyday can slp till 9 plus 10. hahaz. but hor, i wil b veri slack. bleahz. n hor, i wil b FAT!!! dunno y oso lehx. mag say she stay at home wont grow fat de. so good lo. every hols i wil gain weight de, den i go sch to lose weight. ha. de advantages of sch is..u wil slim down for FREE!!ha. mayb cos got 'suana' then hor, some of de food is expensive n de amt is so lil. sometimes de food doesnt look appealing too. ha. but it doesnt hapen on mi la. cos i wil eat dry mee-hoon, influence by HXY.ha. is so healthy n nice lo. ha.

this year youth camp at katong hostel. is it katong student hostel? ha. if it is, den cool. cos de cmpd is BIG. hahahaz.

heheh..cont of previous post..=)

our best sabo-ed victims are.......*drumroll*.......matthew n nasri!!!yay!!!hahahaz..here are their profile..=)

name:matthew tan jun yan
know him for 4 years
same class in sec 1 n 2
be our victim for 3 yrs[sec1-sec3], recently started to bully him again

know him for 4 yrs
same class for 4 yrs too
our victim since last yr, now seldom bully him. he became our sister

wanna noe how they die in de hands of ours??hahahaz..come find us,the great torturer, n we wil fill u with de info. if u still do not understand, we could show u how. not thru videos or a play, but on YOU!!hahahz..just kidding la..=) oh ya..mentioning about torturer..one of my dream is to help Sir in torturing de sec 1s..heehee...so fun...=)bingbing oso wan..hahaz..can someone help us to tel sir???hahahahaz.....

I DUN LIKE TO SMELL OR HEAR PPLE FLATUATE OKIE??hahaz..is just that whenever i hear pple flatuated or flatuating..i cant stop luffing..hahaz..BUT in bing's case..if i heard her saying de word FLATUATE..i wil start luffing le..hahahaz..ytd after tuition was luffing at "wad if" questions again..ahahaz..

mi bing n mag suppose to write a book on "how our days are brighten up thru sabo-ing pple" cos KWT n HXY want to help us to publish it..hahahahaz...den they say one book is not enuff. so bad lo. hahahaz. i think is so cool to list all of our sabo-ed victims n how they 'died' in our hands..MUAHAHAHA..later i shall post..starting from sec1..hahahaz..n hor..got theres awards too..=)

yay yay yay..my blog is done..heehee..my links is one de left..=)

so ugly!!
aiyo. my blog so ugly. repairing in progress. =)

hahaz..today is graduation ceremony..lik my bdae lik that...i received presents..hahahz..today was de first time we sang de sch song sooo loudly..hahaz..den before de ceremony ends. we sang auld lang syne. de atmosphere supposed to b sad sad one.. but in the end is de joke of de day. hahaz. cos when de choir was singing.. neo went up stage n request all of us stand n sing n while doin so, shake our friends hands. n sing de song again.. but i think de back pple couldn't hear 'repeat de song'..cos all of us stood up n got de dragging of chairs..den got one stupid idiot went to pop de poppers..hahaz..den everyone start to pop de poppers..so...no more shake hands n sing song le..stupid right??everyone was luffing lo..hahahaz....

den when we proceed to de canteen saw some cha bor crying..hahaz..bing say they no phone ar??hahahaz..den i say..no la..they goin army soon..hahahaz..today is my last time to see small bag guy le...so sad..but bing worse den mi..hahahahahaz...dun sad bing!!!

hahahaz..today went intensive thingy again..is really very itensive that i cant slp well ever since this wk. so sucky lo. den go lesson want to slp lik tHAT. hahaz. chem went to hall. got de last briefing for practical. hahaz. den mrs chua say go home n rehearse on how to titrate. heehee. bing later at eng ask mi..
"eh..u really wil rehearse ar?"
mi.."ya la..i wil teach moomoo n bear bear how to titrate"
mi.."i wil use de long moomoo as burette cos he got strips..hahaha.."
so dumb right???hahahaz...den after lesson, suppose to have recess, but mr ow came up played a 'game' with us.. hahaz..actually is want us to arrange chairs n tables for fri's graduating ceremony. haa.. so cheee-po. after recess went for eng. wa..so sian..today is suana..not resort..so warm..we sat behind a sec5 malay gal whom we are afraid of. hahaz..surprise ba?? i wil scared of her..cos she is bigger size den mi..den that time went for humans lesson.mi n bing luff too loud..den she scolded us..so today we dare not luff too loud..hahahahaz...den before lesson end..mr ng came in n announce that theres some concert goin on..can choose to perform ur talents..hahahaz..den king,e king kong, told bing that he got talent..his talent is...to eat bananas...hahahaz..den our long moomoo got talent too...other cows have spots..but he have strips..hahahaz..cool huh..hahahaz..den went for bio lesson..hahahz..de fun part of the day..i sat btween hafiz n hao yang..infront of HY is liang ting.. there is a air war between LT n hafiz..but in the end..they both attack mi..so sad..hahaz..den later dunno wad la..i used HY phone to take pictures of pple..initially is to help HY to take photo og jong n king..den he found out his phone can create "animae"..cos his phone takes 4 pic in a row..so by clicking de 'next' button fast.. ta-da..an animae is produce..hahahaz..we have a gd time luffing...hahahahaz....tmro can play again...weex..

to HXY/OXY..i stil lik batman even though i lik small bag...hahahahaz...


hahaz..can u imagine urself inviting all of ur friends to ur 21st bdae party..i mean ALL lehx..ur nursery, kindergarden, pri, sec, ITE, poly, SWS, PRSS, CCSS, relative, outside friends, friends' friend, sirs, teachers, de list goes on..wow..hahahz. wil receive loads n loads of present lo..BUT!!!must book one maga big chalet to accomodate so many pple...hahaz..andand..need to have a HUGE buffet..hahahaz...

for steffie..

self-praise is international disgrace!!!hahahaz..

weex..i noe what is happy tree friends liao..hahahz..it is actually a horror story but they change de sound n make it into a cartoon show..hahahaz..

bingbing future hubby..u must be very rich hor..cos she wan to have a football team of babies..hahaz..den must buy 2 family car..with maids n chaffeurs..hahaz..

my L1R5 is 28 lehx..cos they included all de CAs thingy instead of prelim only..den minus CCA pts..26...how can go first three months??tutor say go ask ah pat to help..but if can moderate..i think i will get 20 pts lo..wad JC can i go man??hahahaz.. i wan to go SAJC or SJC or YJC..hahahaz..for de 3 mths thingy..to see JC life..hahahahaz..den bing say can get free shirts..hahahaz..=)

now spore is down with haze..will they postpone de o level if de haze worsen???release of result oso postpone??will the admission to poly/JC postpone too?? are we going to b de first batch to xperience this??..hahaz..or mayb we still must take o level despite how hazy is the haze??hahahaz..den can see de whole hall of students wearing mask..except bingbing..hahahaz.. den she sae if really lik tt hor..de those students u see outside with marks surely taking either o level or a level de..hahahaz.. make sense..

hahaz. this post is specially for OXY!!hahaz..i am stil in love with PATRICK!!!hahahaz..pls pls dun buy batman toys shirt shorts pyjamas pencil box for me..thank you..hahaz..i dun mind batman undies..hahaz..cos nobody wil see..hahaz..=)

today had english lesson..hahaz..de place is not a steam bath place liao..is a resort..cos today they lifted up de shutters..den is sooo cooling..so cooling that i wanna falll aslp..hahaz...den today wt shout lehz..haha..cos we playing see who [do something] finish first..so we are challenging see who wil stand up first..if bingbing lose..she have to tel zuliaha that she loves her..if i lose.. i must kiss joshua tan..if wt lose..she had to cut jumiah white hair..hahaz..there wasnt a proper dismissal..so when i saw farah stand up..i quickly stand up n press wt shoulder..so she wont stand..hahahaz..so im de first..yeah..but she suddenly dunno shout wad..it shock mi bingbing..n mag OXY n mavis who are sitted infront of us..n stil gt other pple turn n look at us lo.hahahahaz..so funny...

do you noe??
bio TB gt thiam seng pictures..hahahaz..

aiyo. now de post-prelim thingy start liao. one day only have 3 subjects. sch dismissal is lik earlier. BUT must tahan each lesson for 2 hrs plus. de most challenging one is chem. wa. that one ar..gd for pple who are suffering frm insomia..comfirm can slp one. haha. den next is english, for those want to go steam bath but no money..can come..cos de MPH is so hot lo. hahaz. maths lesson at MPH oso. but dunno y is not that hot. mayb cos during eng de MPH is overcrowded ba. SEVEN classes lehx. siao lo. next, bio lesson..quite okie la. bbut i wil get bit fed up. cos everything to mi is blur blur one. i wil tend to ask y y y..cos i must noe y..hahahaz..today actually wanna stayed back n study de..but in the end..i went home.to do wad??of cos is to slp la..haha..

haz..today we, or rather, i bullied a sec 5 cha bor. haa..sec 4 bully sec 5..so bad..i oso duno y i bullied her la..cant rmb..i only noe that we called her 'zhou guang girl' [say it in chinese]..cos everytime she sit down her leg open wide wide de.den can see...see wad??her shorts la..hahaaz...dun anyhow think think..hahaz.den she lik to eat laska n curry noodle..heeee..most of de time we always can predict wad she eat de..today english she sat one table in front mi..her name is pei xuan..but i called her she nv response..cos i called her peixuan1..so mayb is peixuan3..but both she oso nv ans lo..bing said her fren ,vera, noe that is was us..ahahaz..den bing was playing with vera's name..ALOE VERA!!hahahaz.. so funny..den lesson end!!!i tel bing.."pei xuan got new name..is ALOE!!" she asked y..den i said.."cos her fren is VERA..so..is ALOE n VERA!!"hahahaz..im so bad..hahahaz...

I GOT ANOTHER NEW BOYFRIEND!!!is......................BATMAN!!!hahahaz..y lehx??cos he is smart handsome rich helpful muscular..got bigbig hse..many many vehicle..coool car..den got one loyal servant..ALFRED!!hahahaz..de batman im refering is not de advance version de hor..is master bruce..heehee...den hor..i hate superman..if u are a fan of him..im sooo sorry..ha..cos i really kan bu qi him..cos he only noe how to fly..den got that x-ray eye nia..den hor..his under-wear is so attention seeker..want to wear outside must wear lik my bf la..wear a colour that is so NOT eye catch-y..hahahaz...but at least he got help at de justice league..hahahaz...not really that useless la..

oh ya..talking bout cartoon..wad is exactly HAPPY THREE FRIENDS cartoon??nicole say long long ago got show de..but i dunno de cartoon lehx??how can lik that??i think bingbing oso noe that cartoon..y i dunno..cannot lik that lehx..cos i am a TV addict n cartoon freak..i watch more cartoon den bingbing lehx..she noe den i dunno..so lousy!!hahahaz..can someone help mi find de cartoon n let mi watch..or explain in DETAILS wad exactly is de cartoon bout..hahahaz..dun dare to ask bing..last time she wil scold mi dumb dumb..but now..she wil go.."WHATTTT??~~~"..hahahaz..