boohoohoo. e-learning week is not that fun as i tot it shld be. boohoohoo. i only manage to complete 'ports n terminal' and 'maritime economics'. oh no. i got like 5 more to go. and it is not easy to do kk. why cant the rest of the modules like 'ports n terminal' and 'maritime econs'? i wan multiple attempts. so easy lor. hahahahhahahaa. savio module v hard lor. grrrrrr.... must chiong chiong chiong. arh........................................... hahahahhaa. i cant take it le la. im taking a break now. (:
yay. im back frm camp. so hows de camp? okie lor. first day went to report in camp. myron say im moving hse, cos i brought ah moo n luggage. hahaha. we played ice breaking game, den........ go bunk. den, i cant rmb. hahaha. i just rmb we play a very cool n fun water game that involve collecting water, sliding on table, slide on canvas sheet den pour de water u collect in a bottle. hahaha. fun fun fun. after that went to bathe at stadium. emilyn cubicle have millipede. haha. because of that millipede i bathe very fast. cos i scared it come over. hahhaa. we sang camp song. after that kupa, mi, mic, alicia n bin went to somewhere n chit chat, cos is lightoff time n we are suppose to b sleeping. yupp. we found a place tt require to climb over a wall/parapet. i had a hard time doing so. so pai seh sia. i need mic, bin n sandy/alicia to pull mi up n kupa to push mi up. omg. hahahahahhahahahhaha. but is predicted la. cos my arm no strength or muscle, 1 incline pull up oso cant do. i dun wan to cont de story cos is damn long. in short we were like illegal immigrants and de OC are like de custom officers. we the illigal immigrants wanted to sneak out n buy food. yupp. slept at 3 plus woke up ard 7. ate breakie den played amazing race. at night played candle war. chris lungs are powerful man. hahaha. den campfire. den night walk. omg. imso scared of de night walk. mi n kupa walk together. im vey scared cos this night walk involve other school pple. brrrrrr. n it rain. but it wasnt that scary la. those 'ghost' were like casper the friendly ghost. it was my first time toking n chit chat with de ghost n look into their face. hahahahahhahahahaa. kupa is very brave man. like chris n syah. (: im so happy. and im in love... with a camp song. the song is hey poky. is so nice lor. esp de 'chorus' part. hahhahahaa. love it man. oh ya. before de nightwalk, de guys broke de lift. wa, i tell u, is very scary lor. my heart drop even though im not in de lift. if im in de lift i will be tramatise(i dunno how to spell. hahhaa.) scary man. i shant tell u wad here. lazy to type. hahahhahahahaha. i love de friendship dance too. (so random. hahahaha.)
i think im attracted to short guys again. hahhahahahaa. cos i find them v cute. hahahhahahahaa. i think is cos chris is in my grp, again. but is impossible de. cos, he got tatoo. zzzzzzzzzz. and short la. hahaa. n every time bo chap mi de. actually i oso bo chap him too. hahahahhaa.
"every body say HEY! HOCKY POKY!"
haha. james v lame n cunning too. hahaha.
u noe everytime camp there will be a game called egg parachut. they will give u an egg(duh), straws, masking tape. den u have to think of a way, so that de egg wont crack when it is being dropped on de 2nd floor. i learnt a cool way of doing it lor hahaha. damn cool man. im amazed by it. hahaha.
it the first day of 6th week. yay. e-learning week. 6 more weeks to holiday.YAY!!!!!!!!!!
yay. today is de first day of week five. yay. why am i so happy? i dunno. hahahaa. morning i have monday blues, den now de blues is gone. hahahahaha. alicia call mi blog so i blog lor. now im in stats class. (: oh ya. later after this class im going to buy shirts. 2 for 2o. (: theres a bazzar going on in sp. whee. hahahahahaa. fri i went shopping with bing. i bought a havainas. bing oso. we both bought the same colour n design. hahahhaha. cool man. we have another couple stuff. tee hee hee.
bing!! my classmate say u look like mi, i look like u. hahahahahhaahhahaahhaahahhaa.
today is bing first day of sch for sem 2. hahahahahha.
today de free chinese paper got an article which i need or rather most singaporean girls need. haha. it is a F-cup cookie. eat 2 cookie everyday n ur cup will grow. haha. dunno real not. hahahahhahaa. its frm japan. ya. like tt lor. today is 2nd day of week 4. (: 2 more weeks is e-learning, which means holiday. BUT.. need to go interaction camp den thurs got de stupid SMAC CIP thingy. zzzzz.
dunno why mothers are so damn contridicting. they like to act pityful, so de other party die die oso must give in. if not de other party will be viewed as bad. v sickening right? my mother is like tt when she is pissed/angry/being iritated. seeing this really pissed mi, make mi feel irriated too. zzzz. i wish i can hibernate/stone for 1 week. grr. now is de valley period. sian. how i wish now is de top-of-the-moutain period. nvm la. He noes wads He is doing. (: i have a sickening brother who thinks he is so cool so beng so big. wadever.
i hate character development lesson. must listen to capt tong yak n yak n yak. talk bout his life. come on. im not interested. den my class got irritating CLASSMATE. like to ask some stupid/no linking question that causes the class to end late/on time when we can have earlier dismissal. SICKENING!!! i hope i can stand them till year 3. (:
yes!!! 3rd week has gone. whee. oh ya. de 9pm show so crap lor. uncle ming die. so sad. im playing facebook now. haha. still abit blur. ya. i got a fluff friend.its name is imatoufu. it is damn picky bout de food la. so sickening. hahahaha. booooooooooooooooooooooo baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee im bored.....
okie. today is de 2nd day of 2nd week. hmmm. okie la. jut tt i need to think wad to wear tmro. oh ya. i maybe have 12 or 14 weeks of hol after term 4. wheeeeeeeeee.but hor, de hol so long dunno wad to do. zzz. am i getting fatter? so random. hahhaa. yay. tmro got drama prac. yayayayayayay. im so excited. cos... (: today will be a random post. hahahaha. he's so handsome. got pple agree with mi lor. hahhahahaa. oh ya. being de eldest sucks at time. seriously SUCKS!! hate it man. why cany have a twin. den no need to have elder n younger. maybe have la. just a mere min or sec only wad. zzz. okie. photo time. ((:
today's doodle. is a coversation. can u see? hahhaa.

wei cheng. hahahaa. i will get his photo one day.

ryan being GREEN.

alicia being GREEN. alicia n ryan can be best fren. de green green gang.

haha. alicia. at SPGG's play groung. ((:

me being retard. hahahaha. no la. trying to follow big head. hahahaha.

ah ong.

kian pin's pet.


lesson bored.

during lesson. very bored. so doodle alicia's news paper.

hahaha. i draw this during de hols. ah ma not at hm, den i wan to go n run with bing. so i draw lor. hahaha.

at PSA. :) at 4o storey high. got lots of ship.

yay. today is de last weekday for week 2. yay. 1o more weeks to hol. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!