hols are getting closer!!!
are you excited???
well, I AM!!! ((:
okie. the weelends are great. wad did i do? nothing much. usually, i will be in church by 2 and stay till 6+7+. but because this week i have no prac in the afternoon, so sat, i went for piano lesson, did bingg's art, nap, went dinner with aunt. i ate alot. wad i ate? omelette frm the oyster omelette, satay, chilli crab, pepper crab, rojak, popiah, chee cheong fan, stingray. and a cup of sugar cane juice. ((:
uncle and aunt told us that in america, a reserve NBA earn 1.4 million. i think is a mth. whoo. one-point-four-million!!! wow. ben tell me if he earn tt much, he will buy gucci bag for me. hahaha. so random. why must be tt brand? zzz.
sunday went to church for service, send aunt to airport, went home slack, met denise steff phil, went bugis, met with the rest (alot of pple) went to watch dwayne's performance. it is nice man. oooooooooo. i love the story n everything n everything. ((:
3 more weeks to hols, 5 more weeks to drama, 6 more weeks to christmas. im so happy. christmas season is in the air. im into christmas mood. teehee. ((:
trenyce version of barney's i love you.
*i love you
you love me
we are happy family
with a nick nect teddy whack
give a dog a bone
this old man came rolling home.*
so cool.
she can combine both i love you n this old man. she is just 3+4 yrs old. hahaa.
picture time.
theres still more picture but lazy to load.
YAY!! today is the last day of ICA. but i need to rush stats report n send to alicia. zzz. last time when watching drama, those actor n actress like to say "i need to rush report." or de boss say to the "i need this report at the end of the day." then u will see de employee face jaw drop. hahhaa. now i understand why. cos it is very hard to write. i rather do IMO report, at least that one can copy and paste. boohoo. and now, de stupid SP web is so lag. i dunno why. bah!
okie. so hows today? okie lor. de paper okie la. it came out on those i memorize. hope i pass all modules. i DUN WAN forward module. zzz.
didnt go TP today. zzz. so sad. boohoo. tmro morn must take things frm bingg. oh ya, my lift can use le. hahahahhahaaha. i only use it once. i dunno why. (:
alright! picture time. this can say is alicia's album. hahaha.
miss aliciatanweiping trying to kiss mr handsome's butt.
miss aliciatanweiping san's hair. (:

miss tan and her fren miss shi-ya. staring at de grab pole.

miss tan is in love with my hands. hahahhaa.

miss tan n her yan yan. (advertising her yan yan)

she is very amazed at.... de amt of chocolate n de small small thingy???

no la, is cos she never eat before when she is young. hahahahahhahhaa.

miss tan's friend. hahahahhaa.

miss tan n her new found friend. (:

miss tan fell in love with her new found fren. haha.

alicia!!! nah, de picture. i didnt lose it. hahahaha.

yes, it is miss aliciatanweiping. ((: singapore's next top model. hahahaha.

hadi's (in black jacket) new scandal, mr rydwan(white guy) AND
another hadi, (red) trying to smell mic's armpit. hahahahhahahaa.

hadi's(black) latest scadal. miss michellesohmeiyan. hahahaha.
look at de other hadi's expression. no comment. hahhaa.

miss tan with her guey hand n hadi's ( red) wallet. with mr amron in de background

u see u see!!! both off them busy msg-ing. haha. okie la. its mic, cos alicia got pose for me. haha. so she is not tt into msg-ing afterall. hahaha.
my brain cells are dying. it is worse than bio paper.
oh no oh no. tmro the ICA is safety. zzz. i just only manage to memorize SOLAS chpt 3,4,9. zzz. ONLY. help me. that is like o.ooooo1 of de entire thing i need to memorize la. it is so so hard lor. so many codes, rules, n all nonsence stuff. hate it. boohoo. tmro waking up to study last minute. hope i wont forget chpt 3,4 n 9. if not i will be very pek chek. hahhaa.
oh ya, just now i watch de 7pm show. den it suddenly came to me that lawyers cant go overseas n work. cos they must re-study de law. so pathetic right? haha.
bing! u noe de 9pm show hor. not de new one, is de son-in-law de, u are de 'director' right? haha. i hate de anna's mom. so sickening lor. grrr. hahhaa.
yay. tmro is thurs, so means that fri is coming. when it is fri, it meant that it is de last paper n last day of ICA. whee. and bing is going to draw henna for me. wahahahhaa. (:
4 more weeks of sch. n its holiday for serenetanenning. (:
i cant wait for michellesohmeiyan bday party. weeheehee. theres a mission to be done. wahaha.
hmmm. ytd down 2 paper, ports n shipping. zzz. how it is? okie lor. wadever i can bullshit i bullshit lor. hahaha. just quite abit sad for shipping prac la. cos de last section is choose 2 qn out of 3. gerald say tt 1 qn will be international organization, de other will be on national organization and de last one he didnt say. sooo... i think tt de last qn is ETA. about calculation. so dun bother. n i concentrate on national organization because there are only 6. yes, ONLY. cos compared to international which have more than 6. yupp. so i memorize MPA, SOS, SMOU. den before de exam i was memorizing half way for SMEF. grr. it came out la. blah.... but at least i got memorize MPA n SMOU. and de last qn is not ETA. its somthing else which i didnt memorize. zzz. michelle more ke lian lor. zzzz. dun say le la. i dun feel like taking exam man. zzzz. cos now feel like christmas coming. den no mood. ahahhhahaha. later im having econs (it sucks). memorize 2 chpt. duno will come out not. zzz. boobooboo. no good no good. rar.
its been such a long time since i countdown. tomorrow is the first day of week 8, which means that i have 4 more weeks of sch and its a 2 weeks holiday. omg. i cant believe it. 4 more weeks of sch. whee. but. BUT!! tmro is the start of ICA. i haven finish studying. ): not even 1 chpt. okie la. for ports n terminology is about 1 chpt IF i finish dynamic n complex port. for shipping prac. HA. tt's worse. i only studied/memorize 3 national organization. well done serene. i need to memorize 3 more international organization, chpt 1 and 2. whoo. am i burning midnight oil? NO. hahha. i need my sleep. (: i think next week i will then rejoice bout holiday coming. haha. time pass so fast lo. cant imagine now is nov. then comes dec, january and its de end of year 1. can u believe tt??? end of year 1. im going to be year 2 next year. ohlala. im actually looking forward for FO camp. cos i had a resolution tt i will climb over the parapet. hahahhaa. and i will, okie? (:
fri im going down to tp if i have the time to let bing draw on my hand. BING!! better draw nicely ar. if not i rub off den call ur shi fu to draw for me. wahahahaa.
yay. im back frm malacca. hahaha. i think i gain weight lor. cos over there my mom spent $1ooo++ on food. yupp. dunno my dad spent how much. hahahaha. fitst day went to de hotel. got a shock of my life. cos de hotel is 3 star. v lousy lor. it looks nice on de outside my not de inside. so never judge the book by its cover. went in, theres like no aircon. u noe normally u step into a hotel u will go "ahhhhhh...so shoik." but i went in i went "eeee, aircon spoil ar?" hahhaa. den i spot de suggestion box. i tell my bro i will suggest to them to blast their aircon or change a new one. hahhahaa. but i didnt la. den went to our room 182. opp de room is a spa. so my mom cant stand de smell den change room lor. (PS: its a good idea to change room cos its freaky there) so change to room 383. mom's friend came n bring us ard to eat. dinner we ate a asam fish. is so yummy delicious. ((: haha. den go round n round malacca. went back hotel. i bathe den sleep le cos damn tired. but bro was watching cartoon. hahaa. so when he was abt to sleep, de ceiling drip water. soooo... change rm again. hahahahaa. in 1 day we change 3 rm. hahahahhahahahahhaa. oh ya, de toilet in de hotel is so sucky. no hotwater de. zzz. den de doorknorb spoil. zzz. grrrrrr. i will nv stay there again. hahahahaa.
2nd day, went shopping. walk walk. eat lunch, den go back hotel n sleep till 7 plus, den eat dinner. order asam fish again. not bad. hahaha. den went to pasar malam. hahaha. went back hotel n sleep. this time theres hot water cos my mom complain. yupp.
3rd day, which is today, morn went to bathe. no hot water again. zzzz. dunno wads wrong with them. hahahahaha. chech out. went to eat asam fish again. eee. no nice. hahahahaa. den went to buy food stuff. n headed for singapore. ((:
oh ya, at there i think they famous for chendol ba. n de hotel breakfast sucks. hahhaa. no swimming pool too. in short de hotel sucks. wads de hotel name?? seri coastal. hahahahhaa. ((:
u noe wad? just now im v sleepy but i frced myself to study shipping. so im clearing de table, then something caugtht my eye. is a big envelope. it look like ABRSM one. so i take a closer look. i saw a cert. hahahaha. its my result. i quickly open den i saw de cert says, "passed grade 8". whoohoo. so happy la. den i go tell daddy. hahahahahahhahahaha. i read de comments. i knew it man. de examiner is lenient. seriously. his comments were section A: all incorrect. for scales: not even, pace too slow. hahhahahahaa. his comments can say is negative la. but de score he gave me is de passing score. whee. i expected it la. cos tt day of exam i screw it up. so really thank God. after exams i was praying to Him telling Him tt i just wan to pass grade 8. cos i dun wan to disappoint my mum. cos tt day she specially because of me drop her work n took cab down to pick me up. why? because de freaking tampines st 72 dun have any cab available. hahahhahahaaha. den i was telling my dad just now tt if this examiner was the one tt i took my grade 7 or 6 i sure pass with distinction de. hahhaa. cos when i took grade 6 n 7 i was well prepared but suay suay de examiner v strict. hahahahhahaa.
PS: i never ever pass practical will distinction. de most i get is merit n tt was when was in grade 3. hahaha.
anyway, this examiner his name is John Green. i rmb it cos his surname v unique n his was once my examiner for dunno wad grade too. hahahahahahhahahahaaha. he is a good man. in short, i wan to thank God for his miracle n for answering my prayer. hahahahhahahahaa. im so happy now. wheee. i just pass by 11 marks. hahahhaa. (:
okie. i only have 5 mins to blog. yupp. my lappy sot sot le. i cant get into internet explorer. i only can go into msn. so if u wanna send me anything impt send thru msn. hahhhahahaa. eh. i forgot wad to say. hmmm... i hand in de report le. hahahahhaa. so today is not my si qi. bingg!! jia you hor. dun die tmro. hahahahahahahaa. (:
boohoohoo. im so sad. i dun wan to go swimming anymore. im so sad. my heart is broken. boohoohoo.
i just watched finish de teen titians movie. so touching lor. robin n starfire. agh. stil so sad la. boohoohoo.
deepavali im going malacca. so means now i must start studying. zzz.
omg!! how?? i haven start on IMO. haha. i admit la. im siam-ing de report. cos i really have no idea wad to write. grrr. i not going malaysia le. decided to stay in s'pore and think how to write the stupid idiot report. grrrrrrrr. i think tmro i bringing lappy to sch and ask people to teach me how to make my port folio. i think SP is stupid and have nothing better to do. they make us to have stupid modules to waste my time. and give us some stupid assignment. zzzzzzz. this is wad savio assignment all about....
Dear Students:
Your e-learning task is as follows:
1. Explore the IMO website for the various international conventions it has initiated. Study the circumstances that necessitated any two conventions of your choice and how the maritime community, particularly the ship operators, are affected by them.
2. You are to submit a written report on your findings on the two conventions. The word count of your report should be 200 words minimum, submission by hard copy with submission date 05 Nov 2007. Submissions beyond the 5th/Nov will not be accepted.
All the very best.
Capt Savio
zzzz. bing u wan to help me read izzit? hahaha. u go www.imo.org. den go click convention then ballast management. hahahaha. then read n summarise. wahahahahhaahhahahahaahahhaa. zzz.
okie. ytd went to do CIP. okie lor. hahahaha. mi micheele n alicia wrote love letter to arun, fauzi, saf. hahaha. so, fauzi become alicia's scandal, mic's is arun and mine is saf. haha. den fauzi very bad. cos we call them to keep and guess wad fauzi did? he put at his butt. hahahaha. alicia v 'sad'. hahaha. after tt something happen and my scandal n mic's one is being exchange. hahahahaha. we then went orchard road. shop awhile then they say want to go swim. den okie lor. went to swim and i have leg cramp. omg. so pai seh can. grrrrr. dun wish to mention le. omg. delete frm my memory. hahhahhahahahahahahaa. picture time.
hahhaa. dennis.

SP dover. de $1 million boat.


arun n fauzi.




arun trying to scared yong li with the umbrella.

alicia n rydwan

the cute cute ah mah. (: