ytd went for brownie baking lesson. i tot is some kitchen n stuff cos the place is called pat's kitchen. but is not. is at someone's hse, pat. haha. her hse v nice. like resort like tt. she have some plastic apron for us. den me n alicia took. pat has just put her brownie into the oven. so theres this nice aroma in the air n i tell alicia, very nice smell lehx. u noe wad she do? she go smell the apron. hahahahahahahhaaha.
at night went bing hse to bake. hahaha. when i go her hse, she whisper to her mama. den her mama say, "take whatever u wan. i didnt see anything." bing tell her mama im coming to her shop to steal. zzz. den bing say, "later the TV gone ar." hahahhaa. den bake bake bake lo.
yay. new year wasnt as bad as i expected. wed start journey to malaysia. den reach there ard 5 plus. watch tv. eat dinner slp at 1o plus. morn wake up went to cousin's ah ma hse. stay there for quite long. cos their 3 uncle stay at ah ma hse oso. so we shun bian go bai nian. den go back church for service. n watch tv. ard 8 plus, elder cousin called ask wan to go watch movie not. so okie lo. 8 of us, 2 car drove at JB jusco n watch. cos they stay at kampong area ma. no shopping centre no cinema. so drove there bout 1.5 hr reach le. cos they sped. duh. at night no car no police. hahaa. those rich rich pple with lamboughini shld go malaysia drive. sure v shoik de. we suppose to watch either CJ7 or kung fu dunk. but sold out. so watch ONE MISSED CALL. omg. during the show go pple luff. zzzz. stupid lo. de story quite okie la. n suprisingly, i dun have nightmare. (: after movie went to eat mac n went hm. slept at 3am. wake up at 9++. cant sleep well. so now im deprive of sleep. oh ya. my elder cousin daught very cute n funny. she is turning 2 this may. but she is as tall as miss singapore(trenyce). n her favourite word is mai(dun wan in hokkien). hahahaha. den she loves dog. she go infront to the dog n wave, touch, say hello. and when the dog dun care bout her, she will go WEI!! hahaha. the dog is not those cute cute dog kk. is those police dog one. fierce fierce black black de. i scared kk. haha. she oso noe how to carry, eh.. i mean grab a rabbit. she oso kick the rabbit. hahahaha. she oso like chinese new year song. whenever the tv play right, she will stop wadever she do n watch tv n sway to the music. after the song is played, she resume to wad she's doing before. hahaha. n i think v easily to kidnapped her lo. just use a pack of yeo's crysenthenam tea(i dunno how to spell) can le. (: next time i go take a pic of her. hahaha.
ytd went ah pat hse n went for dinner. very fun n funny. hahahaa. chalet coming up soon. yay!!!!!
i think im crazy this few days. some small small thing i can luff like very funny n can luff very long. haha. this is one convo at ah pat hse.
i think is bing: cher, u nv help wei long find GF? he wants a GF lehx.
edwin: cher, his down there itchy la.
ah pat: scratch la.
someone: cher, where's ur son??
ah pat: upstair sleeping.
thiam seng: cher he shy ar? (shout) dun shy le, come down la.
okie. long time didnt post picture le. so.. picture time.

jap lecturer.

he adjust the projector oso need style one.
ytd ADD picture.
omg. my nightmare came true. BAH!! partially true la. nvm.
i love pineapple tarts. but is super fattening. how???? i love de crust lo. hahaha.
yay. i bought my new year clothe le. but hor i haven bought a purse for ADD. hmm. and speaking of new year. i dun have the new year mood. every year my family will go back malaysia and me n cousin will go door to door n collect ang bao. but as i grow older i dun feel like lo. so every time go back i dunno how to spend time la. i will only go to relative's hse for visit. tt's all. cos the ang bao is big. FYI, over there the biggest ang bao i receive is 2oRM. so is = to 1o$. i noe im realistic or whatever u call la. i just dun like to go to one hse, eat eat drink drink den collect only 4RM. zzzz lo. den every hse eat the same. sooner or later i will grow fat lo. cos all those junk food n sweet drinks. eeee. i noe last year i get my dad to teach me to drive. hmmm. this yr how? i cant possilble stay there for 4 days(?) and do nothing. BOO! what can i do lehx??? sat MKC going for hse visit. i wan go lehx. at least got something to do. BUT, sun how??? and if i stay at singapore i oso got nothing to do lo. so what's the dif?? now chinese new year has no significance to me anymore. got la, but new clothe to wear lo. hahahahahhahaaha.
romantic princess is nice. (:
navy send card to me. AGAIN. are they desperae for pple? hahaha. i wan to join lehx. BUT, i think need to sail and with lots of guys. how can i survive??? and i think need to go thru those army stuff. i dunno la.